Upcoming: NetMcr #3, 8th September

Hello everyone,

NetMcr #3 will be going ahead as per the usual ‘2nd Thursday’ schedule, despite UKNOF35 (and NLNOG) conflicting with the date.

Having done a basic poll at the August meeting, the overwhelming view was that NetMcr should continue regardless of a conflicting UKNOF event.

Once again we’ll be occupying the upstairs room of the glorious 57 Thomas Street, starting from 19:00.

I personally won’t be present (as I’ve been asked to speak at UKNOF!) but Thom will be there to run the evening as normal.

There is also the usual Lanyrd event page for you to keep a track of the evening’s agenda as it develops.

On which note, I’ll re-iterate the recent call for presentations: we’re still looking for people to give short & informative talks. You don’t need to be an expert, nor do you need to have previous experience of giving talks to an audience. Any topic related to Networking will be well received and appreciated. 🙂

